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Jakarta oh Jakarta

        The continued development of the city over the years made the original Betawi people who once had extensive lands in the middle of the city increasingly marginalized. Soils which was once a land of fruit plantations and agriculture has now turned into a complex of high-rise buildings, plus the pace of urbanization is forcing them to move to the outskirts of the city. Despite the urgency, the desire to preserve the culture of his ancestors not fade. Areas ayng many dwelling native Betawi people are, Tangerang, Bekasi, Small Group in the city center as in Kebun Jeruk, Kebun Kacang, Chester, Tenabang, Kebayoranlama and Kampung Melayu. The rest are scattered in five regions of Jakarta.

         Betawi is the forerunner to the emergence of metropolitan Jakarta. Betawi also became a term for a native of the city of Jakarta with a dynamic culture and history. Betawi history can not be separated from the influence of Chinese culture and the Dutch who once dominated the city of Batavia a few centuries ago.


        Soto Betawi is a history of food that are served to please the Meneer Dutch in the Dutch colonial era first. They want to take some kind of culinary stew but do not want something spicy and very spicy (too spicy). Finally, they invented soto Betawi, not spicy but savory marinade. Personnel diet consists only of meat (can be chicken, beef can), potato, and leek. Privileges are: original broth instead of milk as it is now in circulation, but from pure cow's milk. Only in its development, this cow's milk (probably because it is expensive) is replaced with coconut milk from the coconut. Not important info from me: my own to replace coconut milk with soy milk; discretion to prevent cholesterol.


       Crocodile-shaped bread and buns are conditions that must exist in a delivery in Betawi traditional wedding ceremony. Bread crocodile is just sweet bread shaped in the form of a crocodile. Because according to the Betawi community crocodile is a symbol of dignity, strength and charisma.


      For some people, Salad and Braised Jengkol Petai is food that is so delicious and tempting. But for most people, and a dish of jengkol very unpopular, because it does not stand the smell. Do not worry for the culinary connoisseur jengkol and banana, you can continue to feel the pleasure without thinking of the odor generated, because I will share tips about that. The thing to do to eliminate bad breath after eating jengkol and banana, is to chew rice (of course that is clean). Because rice can neutralize the smell of jengkol and petai. You can also directly brushing teeth, or gargle with mouthwash, so that your mouth feels fresh and fragrant.


        Nasi ulam Betawi is a food that is also under the influence of Chinese culinary culture. Nasi ulam usually wear pera rice doused with potato stew / stews know / stew eggs. Nasi ulam also coupled with salty fried calamari, fried rice noodles, omelet slices, and potato cakes. Nasi ulam more delicious with the addition of basil leaves, chili, fried onions, and a sprinkling of crushed peanuts.


        Laksa from areas Cibinong which then spread to Jakarta as Laksa Betawi. Employers typically Chinese Laksa Betawi Betawi. Laksa is a type of food bowl of the soupy. Laksa contains rice noodles, eggs, cakes, basil leaves, and the leaves of chives. Culinary influences from China has a savory and sweet flavor.
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Culinary in Lampung City

        Lampung Province has tourism potential is quite large. If you are visiting the province, you can tour a variety of cultures in the Old Village in Sukau, Liwa, Kembahang, Batu Brak, Recognize, Ranau and Krui in West Lampung. Besides traveled culture, you can visit the various festivals that exist in the province, such as the Festival Sekura in West Lampung is usually held a week after Eid, Festival Karakatau in Bandar Lampung, Lampung Bay Festival Stabas in the West and Way Kambas Festival in East Lampung . Of course you are not interested to attend cultural events, then please come to Indonesia, especially to the province of Lampung.


        Eat "SERUIT" termed "NYERUIT".. which means eating activities undertaken jointly with the dish as described above, ie the symbol harpoon, grilled catfish, vegetables such as cucumbers, squash stew, fresh leaves, eggplant young striated the round, with white rice that is still "steaming" hot. When I tried anyway weve steady so anyway, so spicy delights.


        Gulai Taboh is typical culinary Lampung which can also be interpreted as a curry coconut milk. Stew is usually contains khattak or nuts such as peanuts / khattak gelinyor, red beans / khattak ngisi, beans / khattak kejung, khattak tuwoh, bamboo shoots, potatoes and others.


        Gabing Lampung is the typical food made ​​from the stems of young coconut. oh ya sure many readers who have not eaten or had never heard of. yes young coconut trunks cut with a medium after it in the vegetable with coconut milk, a sense that is given by coconut trunk is sweet and savory bite of what when on, caused the taste is unique and interesting flavors.


       Umbu is an original fresh vegetables from Lampung. vegetables is not shaped green leaves, Umbu is a salad made ​​from young rattan boiled until tender. you might guess this food tastes similar to gabing? but the reality is much different food gabing, Umbu tends to taste more like bitter melon bitter, but bitter Umbu can arouse appetite tablets.
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