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Culinary in south Sumatra (Palembang)

      Who does not know empek-empek? The food is typical of strip south Sumatra, Palembang in particular has become a favorite food Indonesian society in general. Empek-empak is a snack made ​​from fish and sago flour. Usually served with a sauce of vinegar (cuko) brownish-black, cucumber chunks, slightly wet noodles or glass noodles and crushed dried shrimp (ebi). The fish used for the manufacture of empek-empek is belida fish that were in the Musi river. Along with the scarcity of fish eat other fish species belida used as a substitute for, among others, catfish, mackerel, yellow tail fish, machete-stamps, flatfish and red snapper. 

        It is unclear who and how the history of the empek-empek. But according to folklore the people of Palembang, empek-empek is created by Apek (call / call for men of Chinese society) which process excess fish in the area. This new snack vender called Mpek / Apek thus create Empek-empek name. Based on folklore proficiency level, it is possible empek-empek is an adaptation of Chinese food such as fish balls, which Ngoh and kekian. 

        Pempek type is the "pempek submarine", which is a chicken egg wrapped in pempek batter and fried in hot oil. There are others such as pempek lenjer, pempek round (or known as "ada'an"), pempek fish skin, pempek pistel (contents sliced ​​green papaya seasoned boiled), pempek small eggs, and pempek curly....


These different types of empek-empek


      Celor noodles from the noodle is made of the usual wet noodle. What is different is the sauce. The sauce is slightly thickened and shrimp are given. Typical of noodles celor is sliced ​​boiled egg plus boiled sprouts are eaten with noodles and shrimp soup earlier. It felt a little bit because it is mixed with hot red peppers. But usually wong Palembang will eat with smooth green chili that has been available at each table restaurant because it is less spicy, he said. but for those who do not like the spicy noodles celor also quite spicy.


        More people know that the typical food from Palembang is empek-empek, when no other food from Palembang who feels no less than empek-empek, food was celimpungan. Celimpungan is corn-based foods and fish. Palembang city is synonymous with foods that smell of fish et al. 

      Celimpungan can be served with rice cake and vegetables and side dishes, it could also just presented itself. Then again there was a feast, usually celimpungan is one of the favorites menu. The difference between celimpungan and empek-empek is the shape and the broth. Celimpungan round shape with a diameter of 10 cm and a thin (flat). The sauce is made from a blend of coconut milk and other spices. Celimpungan eaten with fried sauce

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