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Halloween Food Party

      Ok guys, this time we break briefly discusses traditional Indonesian food, well now the world to celebrate Halloween, we discuss what foods are in this celebration ..

       To celebrate Halloween, the community certainly renders everything, including home decorating. Want to know what was done before and during the celebration of Halloween? Here's the description. 

1. Pumpkin carving 

Not a new thing anymore, pumpkin is a symbol representing the most popular Halloween celebrations around the world. Most US citizens hold a carve pumpkins in the family context. They will reward the creation of a family member who is able to squash the most interesting. 

2. Decorate the house 

Very important role in home decor Halloween. Not with flowers, but the attributes that are used to decorate balloons, spider webs, black ribbons and skeleton. The decoration was intended as a farewell in the fall. 

3. Creepy Costume 

Celebrating Halloween would be better with a creepy costume party. You will be free to express themselves in an unusual dress. There are many interesting costumes sold in the US to welcome Halloween but most citizens prefer to design the costume as he wishes. 

4. Enjoy the odd food 

In celebration of Halloween, you will find a dinner that creepy anyway. Cushy's for sure. But the shape is a bit unnerving. As chocolate is shaped like a skull and a cake made ​​to resemble the figure of a scary vampire with fangs.

        Sometimes they also provide food that looks very disgusting, but actually the food was tasty and can be eaten, only visual just looks so bad. Check it out  guys


Culinary in south Sumatra (Palembang)

      Who does not know empek-empek? The food is typical of strip south Sumatra, Palembang in particular has become a favorite food Indonesian society in general. Empek-empak is a snack made ​​from fish and sago flour. Usually served with a sauce of vinegar (cuko) brownish-black, cucumber chunks, slightly wet noodles or glass noodles and crushed dried shrimp (ebi). The fish used for the manufacture of empek-empek is belida fish that were in the Musi river. Along with the scarcity of fish eat other fish species belida used as a substitute for, among others, catfish, mackerel, yellow tail fish, machete-stamps, flatfish and red snapper. 

        It is unclear who and how the history of the empek-empek. But according to folklore the people of Palembang, empek-empek is created by Apek (call / call for men of Chinese society) which process excess fish in the area. This new snack vender called Mpek / Apek thus create Empek-empek name. Based on folklore proficiency level, it is possible empek-empek is an adaptation of Chinese food such as fish balls, which Ngoh and kekian. 

        Pempek type is the "pempek submarine", which is a chicken egg wrapped in pempek batter and fried in hot oil. There are others such as pempek lenjer, pempek round (or known as "ada'an"), pempek fish skin, pempek pistel (contents sliced ​​green papaya seasoned boiled), pempek small eggs, and pempek curly....


These different types of empek-empek


      Celor noodles from the noodle is made of the usual wet noodle. What is different is the sauce. The sauce is slightly thickened and shrimp are given. Typical of noodles celor is sliced ​​boiled egg plus boiled sprouts are eaten with noodles and shrimp soup earlier. It felt a little bit because it is mixed with hot red peppers. But usually wong Palembang will eat with smooth green chili that has been available at each table restaurant because it is less spicy, he said. but for those who do not like the spicy noodles celor also quite spicy.


        More people know that the typical food from Palembang is empek-empek, when no other food from Palembang who feels no less than empek-empek, food was celimpungan. Celimpungan is corn-based foods and fish. Palembang city is synonymous with foods that smell of fish et al. 

      Celimpungan can be served with rice cake and vegetables and side dishes, it could also just presented itself. Then again there was a feast, usually celimpungan is one of the favorites menu. The difference between celimpungan and empek-empek is the shape and the broth. Celimpungan round shape with a diameter of 10 cm and a thin (flat). The sauce is made from a blend of coconut milk and other spices. Celimpungan eaten with fried sauce


Culinary in Bangka Belitung Islands

        Pacific Islands cuisine is the cuisine which is based on cooking methods and the Pacific Islands community. Pacific Islands cuisine can be devoted into food of Bangka Bangka Belitung and cuisine of the island of Belitung. Pacific Islands cuisine is quite diverse due to the materials used are different cuisines across the island and also the effect of cooking methods, especially the people of other provinces of South Sumatra, where there was still join the Pacific Islands. Pacific Islands cuisine category distinguished Malay cuisine and Hakka cuisine, especially Chinese food. Bangka Belitung Malay cuisine is rarely found outside the Pacific Islands, while Chinese dishes are often found in Java

here I mentioned a few types of cuisine in the Bangka Belitung Islands are so popular by their citizens.


           Lempah Kuning is food lempah whose content consists of red snapper or mackerel with a sauce that is spicy turmeric, red chilli, onion, garlic, ginger and belacan. Lempah has yellow sauce and usually put the pieces of pineapple that is also called lempah pineapple. People call gangan ketarap Belitung. Snapper can also be replaced with beef.


         Rusip is fermented fish that is processed by adding salt and flour together with fish which is then stored in jars. Over time, the fish will undergo a process of natural fermentation in the jar. Rusip is usually processed by local people into sauce. Just add a few grains of cayenne pepper with Rusip already added a little hot water, you can enjoy chili Rusip. Do not forget to also add a large slice down the red chilli into Rusip. The taste is very salty sauces. Usually feels good when enjoyed with the new rice is heated.


      Sambal Lingkung not some kind of sauce. It is made ​​from meat shredded mackerel. Texture sambelingkung like grated coconut shaped short fibers. Unlike the shredded meat that is shaped like a long fine thread. The color tends toward tawny. While cows are usually shredded brown. Sambelingkung price is relatively more expensive than other souvenirs. Usually sold in packs of 250 grams with a price of about Rp. 60,000.


       Tai-fu sui we encounter with these snacks pastries in the morning or evening. for the presentation can be served with hot or with ice, according to taste. Although the basic ingredients of soy, Tai sui fu is very delicious taste. many young people who drink soy milk is termed as "Musui" or drinking-fu Tai Sui. Actually, the way of making this sui Tai-fu was not hard, just like making soy milk in general. can use a blender or a more viscous feel of his farts use of grinding stones. but now this tool is scarce. way is grinding soybeans, after milled in squeeze, then cooked, plus sugar to taste, and also added a little salt. In order to give a sense that is not too sweet. can be served hot or cold.


      Koba noodles made ​​of yellow noodles are processed in a simple manual that does not use preservatives so slightly chewy noodles while the sauce on the noodles Koba using mackerel fish soup that had been ground into small grains of meat that makes sense Koba noodle soup is very tasty and fragrant smell of cinnamon adds a mild sweetness in the broth. 

         For how the cuisine is very simple Koba noodles, noodles that have been placed above the plate then given sprouts or sprout noodles Koba fart local language as well as a sprinkling of fried onions, if you want to add lime and chilli as a refresher

I'm in Bengkulu Now..Let's Check it out

        Indonesia has a variety of culinary wealth of delicious and unique. Each region has its typical dishes each. As well as typical dishes Bengkulu, a province in Sumatra Island. Here are some foods Bengkulu typical that you should try and find out.

        Today I am going to try foods in Bengkulu area. This is actually my first time here, so it will be a little difficult for me to find typical food Bengkulu, because there are no guides or friends that are around Bengkulu, but it's okay .. I'll try to ask them :)

okay, this is my first meal I get here..


Typical Bengkulu Make Curried Banana Curious for some people, it may just be a banana fruits muzzles. It is eaten after eating the main meal. However, in Bengkulu, bananas have a "destiny" itself. Here, the banana into curry dishes in the form of a banana. 

Curried Banana is the typical food of Bengkulu. Although it is not known exactly when they appear, it is believed to be an old ancestral foods. Matter of taste, curry banana good enough to eat. 

Only, this time he has rarely cooked by the community. Bananas over into meal replacement when there are no fish or meat. In fact, banana curry has its own benefits. The skin of the banana is still green can be a source of carbohydrates.


          Pendap a spicy flavored foods are very popular in the province of Bengkulu. Pendap consists of fish material mixed with some main ingredients, such as garlic, kencur, minced chili, cooked coconut which is then wrapped in taro leaves.


        Tempoyak Similarly, these foods are made with the fermentation process. The difference, entry using dough shoots (bamboo shoots) were chopped and mixed with fresh fish. In effect, the typical food of Rejang has enough acidity and powerful aroma. However, much like the taste and make it as a side dish along with rice and vegetables.


        Furthermore, typical food recipes other Bengkulu is Bagar Hiu/sharks. As the name implies, this dish using shark meat and are usually the type used pigeon sharks or horn sharks because not too fishy. That said, bagar shark is one of the foods to former President Sukarno during exile in 1938-1942. 

At first glance like a shark bagar rendang from West Sumatra. Only culinary this one does not use coconut milk, but coconut is roasted and not use beef but shark meat. 

Special Culinary in JAMBI


Tempoyak made ​​from durian 'be burnt.' Durian fruit pulp separated from the seeds and stored in a container or jar tightly. The longer the storage time, the flavor and aroma tempoyak also become more enjoyable. The process of fermentation in the flesh, changed the elements of chemistry and physics at the durian. The most important thing tempoyak maker should choose a good quality durian as base material. Tempoyak durability can hold until one year.

There are some of the most preferred menu mainstay, among others Tempoyak Gurame, Tempoyak Catfish, Shrimp and Gurame Tempoyak Kerutup and Malbi (dark meat dishes like rendang). "Although made ​​of durian, but once processed, taste duriannya only a little."


        Asam Pedas fish cuisine Specials - Not a secret anymore if the warmth of the family is the most beautiful thing for all the family and in the warmth of the family could not be separated from the family smile when gathered together to enjoy a delicious meal.


         One of the most preferred cakes Jambi residents is Gandus cake. Materials Gandus from rice flour, sago, coconut milk and leaves. Marinade, garlic paste, chilli cut into small pieces and stirred coconut milk. After the ingredients are mixed and then add salt. For there are two kinds of print, there is also a round mold is placed in a baking dish and steamed for 10 minutes. Once cooked, then cut into pieces. Before the prepared cake topped with a sprinkling of first decorated shrimp, dried shrimp, chicken, ground beef or shredded fish. Matter of taste, do not need to be asked. Legit and savory like chicken porridge. Legit as there is a mixture of rice flour.

         While the sugar apple pie made ​​from raw material tape. In making a tape is mixed with coconut milk, then given a green fluorescent dye once fragrance of pandan leaves. Flavoring added sugar and spices. Then all the ingredients mix well then put the dough in several separate leaf bowl made ​​from banana leaves, then dough in banana leaves in a bowl of steamed until cooked.


Riau Culinary

This time I will explain about the local culinary Riau Islands, Riau is not far from West Sumatra, only a distance of one hour from Riau then we've been able to western Sumatra / paddock.

Okay guys, I did not linger to talk about Riau, but we will discuss the foods that are good for the taste of the Riau Islands.

Let's try


         Curried Patin fish is one of the icons of food typical Riau are quite famous. The existence of the city of Pekanbaru flanked by four river, Siak river, Rokan river, Kampar river and Indragiri river  allow Pekanbaru get abundant supply of Patin fish. The peculiarity lies in the Patin fish curry yellow broth with pieces large Patin fish. Fish meat is low in cholesterol said This soft with a very savory flavor, especially if the marinade penetrate to the meat. The aroma of cooking was really able to tempting whoever is nearby.


         Tunjang soup into typical food Riau sixth recommended. Tunjang soup is beef bone soup which is wrapped with thick meat. Smell the scent will The soup tasted so our meal was served to the table. Soft flesh was easily removed from the bone. The flavors do not asked, very tasty, herbs and the seasoning felt in when the broth through our throats.


       Typical food Riau uni name is "Noodles Slime/ Mie Lendir". when he heard his name will certainly feel strange, because no word mucus. The noodles are very famous in Batam and Riau Islands. But apparently in Pekanbaru Riau was noodles with thick sauce is also also has its fans. The food consisted of boiled yellow noodles and bean sprouts are usually eaten along with a poached egg. The thick gravy noodles made ​​from peanuts, sweet potatoes and plus other spices. This is what causes the food is called as noodles mucus. Usually the people enjoy the typical food Riau as breakfast in the morning.

Okay guys, this is some of the famous and delicious food in Pekanbaru. Next we going to JAMBI :)

We are in Padang (West Sumatera)

Okay, now I will discuss culinary specialties or Padang of West Sumatra,


Rendang is a spicy meat dish which originated from the Minangkabau ethnic group of Indonesia and is now commonly served across the country. One of the characteristic foods of Minangkabau culture, it is served at ceremonial occasions and to honour guests. Rendang is also served among the Malay community in Malaysia, and is also in Singapore and Brunei. Rendang is traditionally prepared by the Minangkabau community during festive occasions such as traditional ceremonies,
wedding feasts, and Hari Raya (Eid al-Fitr). Culinary experts often describe rendang as: 'West Sumatran caramelized beef curry'. In 2011 an online poll by 35,000 people held by CNN International chose Rendang as the number one dish of their 'World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods.

Rendang has two type, that is dried rendang and wet rendang

Dried Rendang

          According to Minangkabau tradition, their true rendang is the dry one. Rendang was diligently stirred, attended and cooked for hours until the coconut milk evaporated and the meat absorbed the spices. It is still served for special ceremonial occasions or to honour guests. If cooked properly, dried rendang can last for three to four weeks stored in room temperature and still good to consume. It can even last months stored in a refrigerator, and up to six months if frozen.

Wet Rendang

        Wet rendang, more accurately identified as kalio, is a type of rendang that is cooked for a shorter period of time and much of the coconut milk liquid has not evaporated. If stored at room temperature, kalio lasts less than a week. Kalio usually has a light golden brown color, paler than dry rendang.


Dendeng is thinly sliced dried meat in Indonesian cuisine. It is preserved through a mixture of sugar and spices and dried through frying process. It is similar to jerky. Dendeng originally found by Minangkabau people. At first they made dendeng from beef, drying it so it could be eaten for days and bringing it with them when they traveled.

The Minangkabau version — probably the most popular dendeng dish in Indonesia — is called Dendeng Balado or Dendeng Batokok is a speciality from Padang, West Sumatra, made from beef which is thinly cut then dried and fried before adding chillies and other ingredients.


        Sate Padang is a speciality satay from Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, made from beef cut into small dices with spicy sauce on top of it. Its main characteristic is a yellow sauce made from rice flour mixed with spicy offal broth, turmeric, ginger, garlic, coriander, galangal root, cumin, curry powder and salt. In Medan, a lot of Sate Padang use not only beef but also chicken and lamb.

Fresh meat are boiled twice in a big drum filled with water to make the meat soft and juicy. Then, the meat is sliced into parts and spices are sprinkled on the meat. The boiled water will be used as a soup broth to make the sauce. Then the broth, mixed with 19 kinds of spices which have been smoothed and stirred with various kinds of chili. All seasoning are then put together and cooked for 15 minutes. Grill the sate when ready to eat, using charcoal from coconut shell.


      Pensi is a food made from a type of freshwater mussels. Well, this conch obtained from Maninjau. I was reminded of the same Bili fish about this. Somehow, lakes in West Sumatra has some kind of animal it is typical that only exists there, and so was the food anyway. Where are equally tasty. 

Pensi is really small, smaller than clams in seafood. She's supposed to catch fishermen in Maninjau Pensi 1000 kg of crude per day. Imagine down there how many art shows. Hehehe .. 

Pensi essence can be processed stuff. But I like it just as simple. Pensi is boiled away. Later served with sauce desert shades. If you want it spicy, add a little chili liquid.

OK guys, that's all my story

HORAS!! Let's to Eat and Fun

       Okay guys, this time I went to one of the largest cities in Indonesia, namely MEDAN (North Sumatera). Well, this time I will come to some culinary places in this city. I seem to have been very hungry guys, let's eat !!


       This could be the only soup typical field of the most popular and well known far beyond the area though. Even Miss Universe ever stopped here during his visit to the field a few years ago. Yellow-green soup color characterizes Medan soto, which also distinguishes it from other areas of soup. Available in a choice of chicken or beef, presentation is incomplete without cakes and chilli.


        One of the typical dishes are popular Tapanuli region. The cuisine is also known as yellow spice goldfish. Goldfish is the main ingredient of this dish, which is in preparation not discarded scales. Seasoning arsik very distinctive, containing some components that are typical of the mountainous region of North Sumatra, as andaliman and cikala acid (fruit kecombrang), in addition to the common spice typical of the archipelago, such as galangal and lemongrass. Spices in puree smeared on the body of the fish a few moments. The fish is then cooked with a little oil and low heat until slightly dry out.


        Durian pancakes are light meals such as meat durian puree and custard or whipped cream leather wrapped with crepes or egg rolls. Comestible was first pioneered by merchants cake home in Medan, and gradually spread in other cities in Indonesia, such as Jambi, Semarang, Jakarta, and others.


all about the taste of the Sumatran

Okay, now we are to the island of Sumatra, Aceh. for the province of Aceh, there are some famous food, I will reveal how good the cuisine the city as the "Serambi Mekah"

       Keumamah cuisine is often also called the wooden fish, a traditional food in Aceh are most in demand by the people of Aceh. Besides having a delicious taste and unique, this fish is made of tuna that has been boiled, then dried and sliced ​​small. 

     Usually cooked using coconut milk, potatoes, green peppers and spices other. This durable wooden fish to take long trips, so it can be used lunch on the way. During the war against the Dutch in the forests of Aceh, the type of food. This is very popular because it is very easy to carry and cooked.


       If for you coffee lovers, it may be very unpleasant when traveling apabilan find a location serving coffee and how pnyajiannya is quite unique and somewhat unusual. Well, try deh traveler to Aceh and find one of the pleasures "cappuchinonya Indonesia" in a coffee shop that was there.

        Sanger coffee is coffee that can only be found in Aceh, because it is a typical drink is always maintained peculiar to the present. The materials used in the manufacture of coffee is not much different from the material to Coffee regular milk, the difference only lies in the manufacturing process only. Originally brewed coffee and filtered using a conical strainer so that the pulp is not easy to get carried away coffee to be served. Then the mixing process between the sugar and milk in small doses by coffee so as not to cause a sense of bitterness or sweetness, but must produce a balance of flavors.

        Sanger coffee making process is the froth whipped up indicating there is a process of unification between coffee and milk have been completed and this is where the Sanger coffee enjoyment. There are two options for enjoying coffee, can be presented in a heat that will warm up your day or served chilled with ice in order to refresh your day mix. There is no denying the enjoyment of coffee Sanger . This as proven many travelers miss the unique taste of this specialty coffee Aceh...


        This time I want to taste the cuisine of the famous goat, the goat curry Aceh. Simpang Surabaya near a row of food stalls serving typical curry goat Aceh. This stalls the same appearance, simple as most of the food stalls. curry goat in general has a rather murky yellow sauce, with chunks of goat meat along the bone immersed in it. It smells very fresh, aroma spices are felt, without the slightest odor typical prengus goats. Turbid broth indicate the number of spices dissolved in it, complete with marrow from the bone. Woww this delicious!!

For Aceh, very big thanks to the culinary, food is actually much more infor- Aceh nice meals, but an opportunity I could only taste a few. Okay we go to Medan now!! hehehe..

Opening Food Blogger

     Actually, because of I love of food, then from that I sparked the idea to create a blog with the theme of the meal. I really like to try a wide range of food, especially in my beloved country, Indonesia. Why? because Indonesia has so many ethnic groups, of course, with diverse regions and cultures, certainly in the case of a lot of diverse culinary food created. 

Let's go find one by one the nation's food super tasty